Why drink alcohol and drink a lot after drinking too much ?? - Nepal Royal monarchy

Why drink alcohol and drink a lot after drinking too much ??

The new year has arrived. The parties are still running. Alcohol glasses are stuck with each other. With some friends with some friends. Something is getting drunk.
But the result, after the party's party gets over, the head begins to grow heavy, the porch and the rings begin to begin. Tired is experienced.

People say it's 'Hangover' after drinking it much. Hilsa says eating fish pickles, eating eggs or eating oysters, hangover hangs. After drinking more alcohol, often people say it is hanging. Again the friend who had a lot of drink on the previous day, he also said ways to remove the hangover on the next day. But what remedy will make you fresh? Is there any such solution?

Thousand years old challenge

Today, the problem of how to get rid of the hangover is not today. A meal of 1900 years found in Egypt was written in a way to get rid of it. That time, when people drink too much alcohol, they were surprised by the problem and were seeking solutions. The remedies that were suggested in that meal are hard to apply in today's day.

But today too many ways to remove the hangover are described. Like eating canned meat of canary-called birds, eat essential eggs, eat juice of golves, mix sauce or similar items.

Interestingly, any of these measures are not sure to solve the problem of the Hong Kong you are suffering from drinking alcohol. Fixed time this problem automatically loses. That time, removes the hangover over time. What is its main reason, it is not clear that today it is a Hong Kong.

Why does Hangouts happen after DRINKS ??

What does science say when experiencing excessive alcohol, we experience experience in hanging or say when the head starts hurting heavily, it seems to be ringing until the body has no part of the body.

So why does the hangout happen? - Alcohol becomes from Ethanol. This enzyme in our body will break pieces and turn it into different chemicals. The most important of this is acetaldehyde. It will further reduce the enzyme into another chemical acetate. This acetate chemistry is converted into fatty acids and water. Some scientists believe that this is due to acetaldehyide in Hong Kong. However, some studies have shown that this chemical does not have a strong relationship with the hangover.

Some experts say that alcohol will be hygiene due to other chemicals. He is called Kanjenners. When making whiskey many other types of elements are also exposed. People drink much after their drink.

Strong alcohol addiction is high. Therefore, drinking alcohol is more than a sense of drinking water similarly. But its effect depends on the individual's differences. Also, the effect of drinking or hygiene is different from the amount of the person and the drink.

Why do you feel tired?

Actually, one reason does not have a hangover. It has a variety of reasons. Hormone balance in our body is consumed by drinking alcohol.

At this time people begin to melt more than ever. This reduces the amount of water in their bodies. It is also associated with head injury or pain. Alcohol consumption also affects sleep. People often drink alcohol tonight. As a result, they do not get enough sleep. That is why they experience fatigue.

Says Yuris C. Verster, professor of Utrecht University in Netherlands, Netherlands: 'After taking too much alcohol, our body begins to fight with it so that it does not make us worse in our body. That is why people feel like drinking too much.'

Many ways to remove the hangover on the Internet are found. Someone says relief will be relief. Because drinking alcohol, potassium in the body is destroyed, and potassium in it consumes its shortage. However, lack of potassium is not eating alcohol for one night, which can be quickly filled with insects.

Some people suggest morning to eat chlorinated desserts to remove the hangover. Someone says that he should first eat the stomach. Some people recommend eating eggs. The chemicals called egg amino acids are used to disperse Acetaldehyde. Therefore, eggs are called relief. But such element is also found in other foods.

For now, the best way to get rid of the problem of alcohol is to rest, drink plenty of water and take a mill aspirin. Eat well before eating alcohol and alcohol also drinks wide in detail. And, the best solution is to not drink too much alcohol.