Paras Shah: Yesterday Prince, Today's Weed Smoker - Nepal Royal monarchy

Paras Shah: Yesterday Prince, Today's Weed Smoker

25 August, Kathmandu. At a time, Kapal's hotel and hotel - a photo of former Parvez Paras Shah, who walked in a hotel, was published in online news on Friday, many did not believe that he was Paras.

Seeing a glance, the gross paras that seemed to be seen in Africa were bowled by many, is it a paras? Some even claimed to have no picture of this paras.

Even when the photographs containing the elephants were published, many did not believe in the condition of Paras Shah's condition. But reality was true even though no one was denied it.

Some may have felt sad at seeing this former Paras Paras, and some felt like it was fun. But, how did the former ancestor, east Indian gentleman, formal wife Himmani and the children who had been treated with cardiovascular treatment, and how did their children look like a paras?

What did Kamal Thapa, Padmundurand Latvi, who was in the campaign to return the monarchy to Nepal, and think about the pattern of parasites (future future !?) in the past? Can the people of this condition keep the people in Nepal's throne?

Yesterday, Paras Paras and today's intense paradigm have shown a clear distinction that the power, power or omission of people is a decisive hand.

Natural destiny of Gyanendra family

What is the condition of Paras Shah's condition? In this question, some have tried to blame a permanent residence, meaningful father. But, in reality, Paras's own destiny is his own, not anyone else's destiny.

Even in the past, they are not the people of any kind. The people had widespread opposition against Gyanendra when he was announcing the Yuvraj Prasad Raj. Thousands of Nepali youths have not been able to eat food while eating blood and sweat in the Gulf country.

Poor people do not have the opportunity to think about life, but most of the young people living in the city are engaged in the treatment of drugs. Paras Shah is the representative and character of this type of paras. He is the Emperor of the Angry Birds. She is not less than a chicken. If a person was shot dead on Chhattisgarh on Rubel Chowdhary, he would not have got a discount like Paras.

So, falling into parasites, not the weakness of anyone else, and it seems to be their own.

Crisis in the East

Talking about Paras is also a matter of political subject matter. Paras Thapa has done whatever he has done to return to the monarchy in Nepal, so that the monarchy returns to him, Paras is their 'potential king'.

Gyanendra's health has reached the condition of rest, even when seeing Paras's body is worse than the father. If you keep yourself in such a situation, then the age of Paras does not seem to be too long. However, Paras does not have the possibility of keeping himself free of charge.

Predictors have started troubling 'King'. Hiradyendra may still have to wander for 16/17 years to make a king, but till then he does not seem to grow up in the ritual of becoming king.

So Paras's pathetic face is doing so much that the government should return the monarchy. Who made the king? Who makes Tranendra after? Paras? Does their gross look look like a king? Do not see

Sadness of the Majesty Himani

Even if the Paras Shah is exhausted, his wife is considered as Honesty. But, at this time the formal relationship between him and Paras has been left. He has only left the Paraschu with Paras, who is with Thai women.

He has not been able to sympathize with both the conditions, conditions or conditions of Paras.

Country's innings

Paras, who are living in Thailand, are not tortured only by the Gyanendra family, but repeatedly arrested in the applicable drug, Paras is also distributing Nepal.

Nepalese people are known as honest citizens in the world. However, while staying in the country, the people who are suffering from suffering are making mistakes in Nepal and Nepal by sitting in Bangkok.

So why not Nepalese government, especially Nepalese embassy in Bangkok, refuse to send Kathmandu to Nepalese donors? Why should not they keep them in Kathmandu and leave the country without leaving the country unresolved view or rehabilitation center? Is that the way to stay in the country? Think about the related side by side.

 Gyanendra who is also the father of Paras Shah, and himself, will return the Kamal Thapa, should to think about Paras.