King Mahendra received letter form Bipi - Nepal Royal monarchy

King Mahendra received letter form Bipi

Khadgman Singh V. From 1987 to 2007, rebelled against Renaissance, stayed in jail for 20 years. In the book 'twenty years in jail,' he mentioned in the name of Bhadashmesher, 'Bhadigal Jail'. Karnel Bhadshashmish is the home of Mr. 3 Jashshashmisher-Bhadrad. 'In Bhakashma Mishra, Bhadashmishar was built in the custody of his servant, a friend and a suspect. (Devendra Gautam, research inside the research).

According to Khadgman Singh, according to Khadshamshirher, seeing a beautiful lady of Indchachkoku wearing a window, she says 'that girl needs'. She has been - the daughter of the only medical doctor at that time. Soldiers are screaming when the girl is injured. Bhudshmashher hid his house in order to save the untouchedness of the woman. So it is mentioned in the book that was arrested.

Tikkilde is a book of live history of Rana Kak, 'twenty years' in the prison. His author was simple- Khadgaman Singh (Basanyat). Riding a bicycle A friend identified with the linear near Dilebazar Charkhal. 'He is the goddesser brother.' I humblely greeted. 'Tomorrow we will have a long time sitting at home.'

Students, writers, journalists, investigators, etc. can learn more from teachers. Old politician Srhbhadra Sharma (former Nepali minister of Nepali Congress) used to say 'rude nudity' about 50-60 six years old. She told the story that she learned politics from the 'Jayute Sanskrit' movement and was born on her wedding, including Koirala, Ganeshman Singh, and leader. Similarly, on the day of Friday, Fijraja Shastri, who was hanging on the leak, was the old politician who reached the scene - Prayagman Singh Singh. She is a member of VS. 1997 events can be heard. He also said that he was active as a opponent of the 2007 year, after seeing that he had hanged the fraternity, but he was one of the leaders to know more about Bipi and King Mahendra's relationship.

King Mahendra sent a letter to Bipi 2027 years. Bipi was living in exile at Koirala Sarnath (Vanaras) at that time. Shreebharma Sharma is coming to Vanaras carrying Mahendra's letter. After the talk of the house / family and health, Bipi says- 'Political matters are not made in this house. But go to public garden, kill the wind. Here's the danger. They are my elderly Guilds CID. '

Indian intelligence instructor Raka was watching Bipi by making the 'bodyguard', the then Prime Minister of India Indira Gandhi. Bipi suspects that there is a technology to tape the conversation inside the house. Shiphavra gave the letter to King Mahendra. Mahendra wrote in his letter that he was preparing to declare a constitution based on the system of parties and Nepal was a message to help Bipi to come back. Reading the book of Mahendra was very emotional. It is clear that Bipi's 'self-sacrifice' (biography) is also clear that King Mahendra and Bapti were unaware of the ability of one another. On 20 February, King Mahendra was preparing to announce multi-party arrangements, but unfortunately, Mahindra was paradise on 20th of the year 2828, at the age of 52.

Former Prime Minister Dr. Tulsi Giri is the former Prime Minister of Nepali Congress. By the age of 2017, he was the father of Bapti. Later, he supported the controversial Panchayati system under the leadership of King Mahendra. It was said in a long conversation with this linear in Giri's elder residence, Giri Budhani, who had been preparing to declare multi-party constitution after King Mahindra, for ten years from the age of 2017, to conduct a multi-party constitution. I also asked that 'doctor's opinion?' I made a clear request, 'Sasarkar, by asserting that the multi-party system is impartial in Nepal, I have regarded the independent system and this belief is exactly what I am. If the multi-party system is governed by the government, it is 'government's talk of politics', but the minister does not support multi-party system, and apologize. Because foreigners play a place to play in multi-party systems.

The Bapti who had kept Bipi from Sundarjeel prison on December 2, was well aware of the politics of South Asia and the Indian devious conspiracy. The same reason, former Prime Minister Surya Bahadur Thapa has mentioned in an interview that he might have been preparing to declare multi-party arrangements to maintain a good connection with the Nepali Congress and the Left leaders.

Many of Nepal's leaders, who understood the history of history, every side of the politics, the diplomacy of diplomacy and the dark light of Rajkajas, died. Tankprasad Acharya, Ramahar Sharma, Kirtitidhi Bista, Kai Singh Sundaraj Chalise, Khadgman Singh, etc. have been late. Ganesh Raj Sharma prepared the book by collecting all the words spoken by Bipi, but all the memoirs of Devilmanan Regmi, Manmohan Adhikid, could not come out. Delilmerman Regmi had said in a press conference for a daily magazine, Manmohan Adhikari college was studying in Forest. I used to teach him a tissue. Manmohan was a mature person from Sanya.

After taking an interview with Professor Keshir Bahadur KC (B.Sc., 1964-2053), it was not difficult to understand that he was a great person of religion, culture, history, diplomacy, politics and education system. He was also the master of Lakshmi Prasad Devkota, supporter. Kanishel Fadsingh, a beloved daughter of Veerashmesh, is a child. The British Principal said that after being admitted to the University of Calcutta, 'How long is Keshir Bahadur Khatri Patriotic name? I missed your name. Kishore Bahadur KC from today. No Khatri, No Cheetri .... 'The old man in whalechair told the story -' I was the first KC of Nepal. 'He also did a lot of work till the court of King Triangle, Mahendra and Birendra. KC It was said that the talent of Mahendra and Bipi were both Gajjab. 'Kirarjuvuite texts (original author Bharvi) translated from Sanskrit to English. There were scholars of English, Sanskrit and Nepali language. There was a period, when the politician and politician of Nepal could discuss deeply with the leader of the international level. Casey, the professor of Italy, had the ability to argue with Joseph Tutchi.

Mother Prasadas Koirala was the same leader. He was a romantic and rational. Today, Nepali Congress Congress leader Mahatakabu is not in the memory of Congressmen. It's fun, the story of Mother Kebabu. First President of India Dr. Mathakababu, who is camping at Patna's house in Rajendra Prasad, is the first person to be prime minister from Nepal's general public. At some time, Rajendra Prasad made him president of the Bihar State (India) Congress party. At that time, his brother Bhaveshwar (Bapti) was active in Samajwadi Party. Mother of the Prime Minister, stayed with the Nepali Ambassador in the United States for 2017 years. In his residence in Baneshwar, Koirala had told the writer- 'I do not want to speak much about Bippi. Ask me about me

Despite the twelfth Prime Minister from the Bipi to the one-and-a-half Prime Minister KP, the disadvantages of Nepalese politics are increasing. Instead of speaking the truths clearly, responsible people are walking in the opposite direction and are walking along the way of non-Muslim and genocide. They are not able to declare the truth but the negative perceptions are manifest. It is said in the scriptures: 'Silent earth, earthquake; Prayer talks, not carousing symptoms. '(Silence sitting, Bhiliparsi Tamaa, look at the sky, look at the ground, looking for walking, and talking with others should understand that she is trying to turn away.)

The complicated problem of the people seems to have increased in the past 10 years, but responsible leaders and high-ranking employees are showing unresponsive behavior overwhelming every serious issue. If the speed of development is in the rhythm of turtle, people are also forced to come to the capital to ask for justice by suffering from suffering.

American professor Nome Chomsky has said such disorders as a sign of unsuccessful nation. Similarly, Yeddhirir has darkened the eyes of the majority of the people, and it has said one of the main reasons for the fourth of the country's sovereignty. The insecurity, freedom of liberty, frustration in the public, increasing unemployment, external interference in the pressures, politics and diplomacy of foreigners, youth, extreme corruption, corruption, delayedness, and chaos is not 'achievement'. If the nation forgets the path, Mahendra, who cares for the far future of the country, if the nation forgets the country and the people, they would be insecure. So, the crisis increases, we remember those nations. Because Nepal has become insecure today than today.