King Gyanendra in Pokhara, Publicity has increased inclined towards the Monarchy - Nepal Royal monarchy

King Gyanendra in Pokhara, Publicity has increased inclined towards the Monarchy

Kathmandu, Dec 03. Pokhara has reached today along with former King Gyanendra Shah family. He has reached Pokhara to celebrate the English New Year .For private tournaments, Gyanendra, who arrived at Pokhara, said that he would be able to celebrate Pokhara and other meetings. Gyanendra couple live in the hotel Mountain Glory, recently opened at the Dollya of Dollya in Pokhara.

Even if Pokhara arrives for a personal tour, Gyanendra has been told to meet supporters of the party. He also has a program to visit the religious center including Pokhara's Pokhara. 'He is now living in Dubilla Hotel, and there is also a meeting with the pro,' Anil Basnet, president of the Shiv Sena Nepal said, 'He is also a program to observe from the religious sites of Pokhara.' Paras, Himmani, and his children, who are also visiting Pokhara, have given their information.

He was in a hurry in front of 12'o clock due to supporters at Pokhara airport near the port. The supporters of the supporters did not have to go. Those involved with the national flag were favored in the favor of monarchy and opposed the republic. The security personnel were humbled to manage the video of supporters of former East. The disadvantages that the government's fallen publicity has increased inclined towards the monarchy.