Common Measures will help you stay Healthy in the New Year 2019 - Nepal Royal monarchy

Common Measures will help you stay Healthy in the New Year 2019

If you are thinking about health in the new year, do not worry too much. Care for your daily life will play an important role in improving health care. Yogurt, run, reduce carbohydrate or smoothness, leave excessive alcohol consumption and reduce stress.
But if only you have to change one?

We have asked the advertiser about this - thinking that if the adult who does not smoke or otherwise is healthy, the experts suggest what to do for the health reform.


Just thinking about physical health is easy. But, according to a professor of Sports and Exercise Science, University of Exeter, we should focus on mental health improvements by raising awareness.

You may feel that it is a subject that protects us from being ashamed, but giving attention to brain improvement according to doctor's diet is more than that.

Understanding is the ability to understand and recognize your feelings and attitudes. Increasing such capacity improves mental and physical health over time. 'Understanding your feelings, what motivates yourself, and deepening your conduct, you start working with more awareness for the appropriate opportunities,' she said. 'For a while, what does motivating you to exercise? How often do you try to do and how little and why?' 

According to him there are many ways to do so. You can write about it in the journal, meditate, practice your awareness, or after any activity you can look at it at the end of the day. 'Understanding ourselves well helps us to think about our patience and weakness, and motivates us to make ourselves excellent.'

Pick the Dog

Any gym membership, a bride race or any weight loss practice for the exercise - can become all-powerful in our minds to become more physically active.

But we might apply something to go to the gyms for exercise, many of them dropped in one or two months, Dr. Wright Theatcher of Aberystwich University said. Instead, she suggests finding routine exercises in our daily life.

There are many ways to do so. As far as you do not use the elevator in the office, parking a little away while purchasing goods at the supermarket. According to him, there are special benefits to dogs. After taking a dog, emotional benefits, along with a dog for half a half hours a day, it is also increasing your activity.

'This allows you to spend a lot of time outside your home, exercise, getting loyal with you, and together, you are improving the life of another creature,' says Doctor Thatcher. All of them have shown improvement in physical and mental health. '

Diversity in Food

We all have heard that there should be plenty of fruits and vegetables in eating food. However, according to Dr. Megan Rusi, researcher of the Nutrition Science Department of Kanges College in London, we should focus on not only the quantity of food but also on diversity.

She said, we should aim to eat food based on 30 different types of vegetable per week. She says that the variety of vegetable foods will be an important role for good health. Some types of bacteria in our abdominal germs have a very important role in our health. These foods are important to maintain the stomach including essential bacteria.

The germs in our stomachs are related to any kind of allergies, obesity, parkinson and dysfunctional diseases. She said, It is better to buy four goat dolls instead of purchasing only one gram. It is good to buy four-wheeled padded dolls instead of purchasing only one kind of cowboy. '

Laugh too Much

Doctor James Gill, after starting the spring season, many gyms to focus on being more happy than going to life or other efforts. You can do a lot of things to keep your life healthy. But if you do not rejoice in your life, you will not be ready to make it more difficult and challenging for the next year,' said researcher Drillill, Warwick Medical School.

But how can you be happy? - Doctor Gill suggests a change to make you happy in life. And, together, you can identify things that make you sad and try to do something for its improvement.

Gill's understanding of keeping both of you together in one place is to prepare for you to look at other things and to improve the health of the year.

Sleep Enough

It may take a natural look but adults need to sleep seven to 9 hours a day to stay healthy. According to Gehin Bekingham, a professor of Executor University, sleeping only for 5 hours at night can also affect our decision and thinking ability.

Coffee tea is not good enough for her to sleep during the night and to bring uniformity at the sleeping time. But while giving suggestions, Buckingham has suggested many important features to avoid electronic devices like mobile phones and laptops before sleeping. If you have also told at least reducing its harmful light.