King Mahendra's 62-year-old video include message of Happy New Year - Nepal Royal monarchy

King Mahendra's 62-year-old video include message of Happy New Year

" आगे प्यारा प्रजाहरुके यथोचित आज यस नयाँ बर्षको पहिलो शुभकामनादिनमा हरतरह बाट सुख शान्ती लब्य होस् भन्ने हार्दिक कामना सुनाउन पाउँदा हामीलाई साह्रै खुसी लागेको छ। ....जय नेपाल.......। "

About 62 years ago, V.S. In the year 2013 (1951), a very rare video of the New Year's Happy New Year's New Year, which was given by King Mahendra to the country.

Video Source: - The first correct documentary of 'Himalayan Awakening', which was drafted by the US Information Agency in 1957.