Politics Power is in Danger, silent public - Nepal Royal monarchy

Politics Power is in Danger, silent public

Kathmandu - Prime Minister KP Oli recently said, 'Now there will be a government coming back.' Who is returning to the government as it returns? Due to the statement of Oli, the accuracy of the reality of the Nepali society is different. The public has to be shot while demanding justice, and whenever the case sought for justice is in place.

The power has been found, in the case of President's decision to expand the helipad. While the government of the secular country became the organizer of the disputed Christian Christians, and Prime Minister Oli himself had to meet the cricketer of the Christian Institute of Uniforms Church.

It is not less interesting to find the Left Left demanding the people with the destruction of Marxism and joining the International Religious Nonprofit organization, with disruptions between the Christians and the disputed 'cover of peace.' It is not heard that the world's neo-liberalists have also been furious to ruin it.

The government has found that 'Left' government has been found in the condition of record in that case. The government's probability of the world's model may be the 'Left-left' model, while wearing a poster poster asking for a divorce and a raped teenager to ask for justice.

Ghanshyam Bhasal, who has seen the presence of the Oli government, has not been able to reach the permanent end of his party, said that the fear of fearing the rulers of the rulers would be allocated to the government and the rulers who were going to get the way the rulers could look their way.

After the Phoenix bird described as a mythical character, a new generation of Phoenix, the Phoenix bird, leads to the temple of the Sun (Temple of the Sun), after entering the new birth, Phoenix burns in a new birth and fills the sutron and flies into the wings. It shows that even after it is known that the age is over, the sun is not getting close to the aging of the old Phoenix itself, to burn itself by resting.

He should take a knock on the other, in the Swoya Bhatti. But, today, the leaders of our generation, who have been driven by the power of a monopoly, have been stirred up by the bondage of power, and they are forced to listen to the Phoenix story of others, by putting the band of silence on their feet, after the old ones are burnt.

According to the story, the Phoenix bird, who has been treating the earth's kingdom for three times, is considered to be the most important secret of the world. He expanses to such a height that no one can see, he is not able to forget the ground. The government's lack of government and the ever-being of its loyalty groups and the mental rare of Phoenix is ​​similar to the public.

Those who shine their selfish bread, who have made their selfish bread bread, and made their lives worthless by flattering of selfishness can not become non-perpetrators, and they have their own selves after that, the Caribbean, taking away the sadness of Nepali society and taking them into a swim easy society. Can

Bhagirath Bhagal's efforts to wake up Mahavira, and the CPN (Maoist) is also the only Nepali Congress in the future, and it is the only rhetoric that can not be taken away. Right-left does not have to be, it is only a mistake to forget Mahavira that the double CPI (M) does. Otherwise, the parent Phoenix should be remembering the scriptures that the children of Phoenix have surrounded in the flames of fire.

The government is missing from the lives of the people. In the absence of the government, neither the government nor the government has been missing a person after being abducted on the Prime Minister, nor did he have the presence of the government in presence of the government in the booklet of Bhattaranjam. That too begins with the dew of dental prosperity of Oli, and from the glimpse of many people who have lost the lives of the people.

Nepalese rulers who were aware of their ability to increase the volume of pleasures of the people during blood pressure in blood pressure to show courage to increase the geography of the rulers. Instead, the Nepalese society measured the journey of tribulation by such a hero to thousands of straightforward men walking in the play of blood.

The status of which the person himself entered into the pitch was not considered to be a daughter-in-law, but at least the minimum social dignity and at the opposite of law, was considered to be the daughter-in-law of the daughter-in-law. It feels wonderful when we remember that a part of Nepalese society is a long time, that we take the hero of justice, equality and change.

Additionally, Queen Aishwarya, who was killed as a retirement of the alleged hero, has been building a building for social work. It is a scenario that we can not see if we are a partner of the United States, after we leave Nepal.

The government meets the state when the situation in which the Nepalese people are abducted, demanding justice for their ancestors. The ruling and his loyal ones are cluttering - surely, by not listening to the house, the sun, the lion, the exhibitor does not multiply every day after wound every day.

When we ask for justice, we are silent about seeing those who were shot dead. We are silent when the Minister said in a press conference that he would give Melamchi water to the house at Kathmandu's house in Kathmandu, even if he was not held in the next tenure. 33 kg of gold smugglers This silence him, when he disappeared from the ruler by showing him to him.

Even when the lungs filled with lukewarm for seven years, even when the loyalty of the government did not make a road, we were silent when it broke the perfume. In the stream, the government is present in the air instead of water, we are silent. The waste does not arise. In Malpot, power and its cousin ask for more than taxes, silence. In order to break the market prices, the power of his loyalty and power of his loyalty stir in the market, silence.

There is no surprise to see if a citizen wants the minimum silence of demanding justice and the loss of mental balance, the people are known to be scattered, but the Nepali society has set up the shoulders in the silence that the government wants. For centuries, where would the rulers, except for the sake of the rulers, who could give Chappa a citizen?

The horse riding a slave is a man riding after a lot of slaughter. Who is heavy enough to eat Mochoch? Likewise, the lion would be letting the man ride on the ground and shouting. Or tigers would be causing the skin's skin to be torn heavily like mules.

The Nepali Sachachat, on the day when the horse returns the consciousness of Khudad and returns to the Sichusth of Lion, the long slavery on it is not only to turn the new avatar of the savior of the savior of the savior of the rider, the scene that begins with her will not be unusual.

That transformation of the self-determination of Nepalese society will have to be raised by the thrilling mistake of a loyal soldier, who is under the guilt of fire, to make an ambassador and authority of his assemblies and brochure or authority to his children.

Then those who are afraid of Agalto will also be able to explain, this society is not the Tuff's torn flaws, which are forced to carry Mahavir Agulto. Such anxiety that strengthens Argyle's shell, which fills the power of civil consciousness on citizenship.