Gyanendra Shah's dance - Nepal Royal monarchy

Gyanendra Shah's dance

'Persistent fear, insecurity, annoying life, uncertainty, and malicious behavior of the state keeps a mental shock on the public. As a result, their age also decreases. - Thomas's statement of Thomas Hubes is considered to be relevant today. 9 2 years (1588 to 167 9), surviving Brittanyologist Hubes saw a lot of climbing in life. During his lifetime, King Chals was killed. Oliver Regarded the Republic, for 11 years. People did not accept that. Chaurras made the King of the first child Chaurus II a king. In 1660 the British reinstated. Other examples are found to prove that the republic is not the last truth and the unbelief.

The republic may also have the option. He is a symbol of stability, durability and affection. His belief that the republic becomes a constraint for permanent rule, Oxford University, and many of the scientific institutions have accepted. Seeking rights should duty. Her argument is that the person does not mean the right to face the interests of the nation.

In view of nationality, foreign power seems to be ideally attacking different angles to destroy Nepal's civilization, integrity, social harmony and unity. The religious leaders and the followers of the founder are found to be suffering from national security in Nepal and trying to make peace to Buddhists and Buddhists. Powerful nations are attached to this game.

Prithvirayana Shah removed the country by arresting the Christian pastor of the Christian couple with 'the' spying in Nepal '. At that time there was a Christian rule (British rule) in India. Some of the friends with whom was sent to Betia (Bihar). Similarly, Christian writers Prithvirayana Shah has been condemned by Christian writers from Europe and America, Prithvirayayana Shah, nation-born sinner, saying, 'No one can wear session nose, a person who does not have cultural diversity, deceit, friendliness, demons and blood pressure.' In Nepal 2062-1963 years, Christian influence in the political parties and non-government organizations has increased greatly. Therefore, according to the orders of the grain owners, Prithvirayana Shah was abused.

In Mahabharata Yudhirir has said fourteen reasons for nationalism. Thousands of years ago, the tradition, social recognition, civilization and culture did not last forever, but the word, nationalism, king, politics, parliament, and army etc. are found in Vedas. It is being completed only 2 years of 18 years of birth anniversary, history and traditions. But it is thousands of years old or nautical or ancient (new and old) ages, eternal religion. So, thousands of years old civilization is more than Western nations. It is said that in the Parliament, open and clean air comes from all around as a breeze, 'in Rigveda.

He wrote the Parliamentary system of the Vedic era in the book 'People's and Parliamentary' written by former Bharat and scholar writer Ramam Jakhad. Parents are so cute, too little. The rhetoric has been very important in not only Hindu scriptures but in ancient Buddhist texts. It is said in the super-sufficiency - 'Sibbhanta Ratth Sansh Sethi, King Che Hoti Dhamko'. This means- 'When kings are religious, then all the people get relief from happiness.' (1.40.70 points) (Source- Rajbhav writer, Satyanarayan) Goanka)

The first of the Communist Guru Carrolls has described humans as 'continuous variables'. The economic system argues that the political pattern will be seen. McRes is that the contradiction of capitalism itself becomes due to its fall. McResweeted merely by human or financialistic views, saying that the classical class loses the capitalist class one day. When composing 'Communist Manifesto', Marcus said, 'Apart from the welfare of workers, in the rule of proletariat, there is no other dream of communist.' But the communists of Nepal have strongly harassed Maoists and Maoists. Today, communal Bengalis have become like New Zealand's Bengalis. This is a strong proof of the fall of communism.

As the poem of poet Hem Hamal is not like 'village village, no city is like city', Communists of Nepal did not like communists, but became polygamy. They are 'Marcos' by showing mascara to Lata and Sujja. Like 'Bhagra's deceit', 'Mama's crystalline maternal uncle', 'like the mother of Joshua', showed that 'the daughter of Joshua's daughter,' near the Korean woman, showed that she was written in the Constitution for 'secular absoluteism'. The ruling Communist Party is no longer Maoist, massacre and communism, Christism has seen the rise.

Ancient texts contain poisonous contexts. The kings and the ministers sent poison to kill the opponents of the enemy or the enemy. Knowing the fragrance of poisonous poisonous poisonous ornaments. The important people of the erotic king or state were attracted to such a beautiful poison. After losing the organs of the girl, during their sexual intercourse, they would die. Chanakya has told the king to be cautious. Prithvirayana Shah has also said that 'Do not hang abroad the dance of foreigners, it does not have the privacy of the nation.'

The orders of foreigners by ignoring such teachings given by our ancestors to protect the nation from fallen are pushing Nepal to the fall today. Dollar-europe is equipped with poisonous, important people of the nation. Apparently the people who have led the government like a person engaged in conflicts, such as police and administration and other parts of the body, should not ask that the country is going on, only the Sinhalese Nepal should be seen. 'The sovereign state Nepal' was said, the constitution of the 2047 year. It has become clear that the constitution has been made. The 'change' has been the synonyms of the collapse. The republic is slowly visible to his own cause.

Children were amazed at the village school at the time when radio Nepal played a mourning in the year 2028. After reaching the school, King Mahendra is in heaven. The director was the radio in the hands of Devamini Dhakal. We were in a hurry. The pole was also wondering whether the readers were crying or crying. In the same year, in the year 2021, King Mahendra stood on the top floor and shared landless cows with landowners for the first time. Meheendra-Mahakali visited the people's heart by visiting Mahendra.

That same day, Mahendra's eldest son, Virendra, was announced at the age of 26. The father, who was born on December 26, 2002, worked hard on Nepal and Nepal for the last day of his life on the last day of life. In Rana's rule, most of them were like an insider living in Chhattisgarh for 104 years. After the year 2007, kings started trying to do something. In the past 10-11 years, the republic, after the movement of 2062/63, has increased the possibility of making the future uncertainty by making the nation very poor, shaken, slow, directionless and dominant. Thus, the nation has begun calling for permanent power, young people. They have started thinking the options. If the people are not interrupted, no government can run by pillaring. Today 'two-thirds' are being entrusted with passion for a republic today. Gaddichut King has been praising the thousands of people in the street. Even if a large security area is surrounded by a democratic revolution, it is afraid to walk a kilometer walk. But 'East Prize' Gyanendra is confidently visiting Mechi-Mahakali.

By bringing thousands of people to 'republic', Overseas series are still in power in Nepal today. Why is a man who goes away from the throne walks and walks, some communist leaders. Gyanendra Shah was a culprit, if he was a criminal, he would go abroad. Due to being innocent, he seems to be strong. So, while dancing, having been happier with family and people. He said with a few months earlier in a simple residence- I do not want to be powerful, Nepal wants to be free, happy, independent and united forever.

Vi In 1616 is the descendant of the ruler of Gorkha's first king, Gyanendra Shah. Therefore, even if darkness-light is a person living in the throne, it is also natural to worry about the nation's future future. The leader is only worried about his party, faction or the constituency, but the nation that builds the nation motivates Nepal by intense love.

Writing and singing The simple heart of Gyanendra Singh, after the assassination of Narayanahati, he suffered a lot of offense. But after gradually knowing the truth millions of people have been attracted to him. Like his father Mahendra, Virendra and Gainendra Praswal remain nationalist nationalist. They never wanted to strengthen their power by strengthening foreigners in Nepal. Republican came to Nepal in the form of foreign power but it came like a chronic epidemic. This is making the weakness of religion, unity, tradition, social harmony and nationality, it is. Unity of Nepalese Nepalese is united. Therefore, think about the republicans who are Nirupalpoly, otherwise, foreigners can also embarrass them.